The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript SEO

What is JavaScript SEO? 

The Web is in the golden age of front-end development, and JavaScript and technical SEO are experiencing a renaissance. JavaScript SEO is a part of technical SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that aims to make JavaScript-heavy websites easy to crawl, index, and searchable. The goal is to make these websites find and rank higher in search engines. 

Is JavaScript good or bad for SEO?  

It Depends On The Situation! JavaScript is essential for the modern web. It makes the built website scalable and easier to maintain. However, certain JavaScript implementations can be detrimental to search engine visibility. 

How does JavaScript affect SEO? 

JavaScript can affect the following page elements and ranking factors that are important to SEO: 

  •  Content rendering 
  •  Links 
  •  Image lazy loading 
  •  Page load time 
  •  Metadata 

How to make your site JavaScript SEO friendly?

Many processes are similar to SEO and have been used to, but there may be subtle differences. 

 On-page SEO 

All normal page SEO rules such as content, title tags, meta descriptions, Alt attributes, robot meta tags, etc. Continue to apply. Several problems that we repeatedly see when using JavaScript websites are that the title and description can be reused, and the alt attribute in the image is rarely set. 

Allow crawling 

Do not block access to resources. Google needs to be able to access and download resources so that they can render the page correctly. 


Change the URL when the content is updated. You might be aware about the History API, but you should also know that for JavaScript frameworks, they will have a router that will allow you to map to a clean URL. You might also not want to use hash (#) for routing. 

 Duplicate content 

When using JavaScript, the same content can have multiple URLs, which can cause duplicate content problems. This may be due to the case, ID, parameters with ID, etc. So all of these can exist: 


The solution is simple. Choose a version you want to index and set canonical tags. 

SEO plug-in options 

For JavaScript frameworks, these are often referred to as modules. When looking for frameworks + module names (like “React Helmet”), you will find versions of many popular frameworks (like React, Vue, and Angular). The meta tags, Helmet, and Head are all popular modules with similar functions, allowing you to configure many popular tags required for SEO. 

Error page 

Because JavaScript frameworks are not server-side, they can’t really throw server errors like 404. There are several different options for the error page: 

  • Use JavaScript to redirect to a page that responds to 404 with a 4444 status code.
  • Add a noindex tag to the failed page and display an error message such as “404 page not found”. This will be considered a soft 404 because the actual status code returned will be 200 okay. 


The JavaScript framework usually has routers that map to clean URLs. These routers usually have an additional module, and site maps can also be created. You can find them by searching your system + router site map, such as “Vue Router Sitemap”. Many rendering solutions may also have sitemap options. Once again, just search for the system you are using and Google system + site map, such as “Gatsby Site Map”, you will definitely find an existing solution. 


SEO is used for server-side 301/302 redirects. But Javascript usually runs on the client side. This is good because Google processes the page according to redirects. Redirection still passes all signals, such as PageRank. You can usually find these redirects in the code by searching for “[removed].href”. 


Generally, different frameworks have some module options that support some features required for internationalization, such as hreflang. They are usually suitable for different systems, including i18n, intl, or many times the same module used for header tags (such as Helmet) can be used to add the necessary tags. 

Lazy loading 

usually has modules that handle lazy loading. If you haven’t noticed, there are modules that can handle almost everything you need to do when using JavaScript frameworks. Lazy and Suspense are the most popular lazy loading modules. You will need to delay loading images, but be careful not to delay loading content. This can be done with JavaScript, but it may mean that search engines cannot detect it correctly. 

Final thoughts 

JavaScript is a tool to use wisely, not something to worry about. We hope this article helps you understand how to best use it, but don’t be afraid to contact the developers and work with them and ask them questions if you’re a total newbie in this field. We at Whitehat Codes also provide services for JavaScript SEO and if you want our help, we’d be glad to hear from you soon. You can visit our website to know more about us and our services.

What Is Google MUM Algorithm?

What is Google MUM? 

Google’s Multitask Unified Model (MUM) is a new technology used to answer complex questions that do not have a direct answer. Google MUM is an artificial intelligence tool designed to simplify the way people search online. This new Google algorithm update is designed to understand the comparisons implicit in search queries (the example Google gave in the keynote is how to prepare for a hike in two different mountains) and provide the most appropriate answers. 

Google MUM Features 

The Multitask Unified Model is both multitasking and multimodal: this means that it can connect information to users in a new way, and it can also understand information of different formats, like web pages, images, etc. 

This Google algorithm update represents the extraordinary evolution of BERT—less than two years ago, which was described as “the greatest advance of the last five years and one of the greatest advances in the history of research”, because it contains “a thousand times the number of nodes or Decision points in the neural network, the project relies on nerve junctions in the human brain “and” training using scanned data from the open network to remove low-quality content. ” 

Language can be a significant barrier to information. MUM can transfer knowledge through language to break these limits, because it can learn and help obtain this information from resources written in languages ​​other than the language in which we write the research. 

What is Google MUM for? 

Google MUM helps solve a common challenge that search engine users face: “having to type a lot of queries and do a lot of searches to get the answers you need.” 

As Senior Vice – President Prabhakar Raghavan noted, Google’s mission is to “make information more accessible and useful to everyone,” and advances in artificial intelligence “push the boundaries of what Google products can do.” In the past two decades, our goal has been “not only to better understand information on the Internet but also to better understand the world, because when we understand information, we can make it more useful. 

By learning a new and complex subject, caregivers seek reliable information about the COVID vaccine or parents are looking for the best way to go home. ” 

MUM can make SEO obsolete 

BERT was the first milestone on the road to change search engines from matching keywords to explaining the context of words in sentences. Before Google MUM, BERT changed the rules of the SEO game. Google recognizes that there is no other way to optimize for BERT other than optimization for users. BERT reduces the impact of keywords on page ranking. The system now mainly focuses on whether the web page responds to the user’s query, even if the exact keyword is missing. 

Google MUM can completely change the search engine, making the concept of SEO obsolete. People don’t search the page directly, they just ask MUM a question, and MUM will do the job like a human personal assistant. Keywords are irrelevant. When Google MUM can understand natural language, why do we force ourselves to write queries in “keyword” language? 

Of course, keywords are still important in the sense that the query still contains keywords, but they no longer help rank the web page better. There is no idea how to optimize the content for Google MUM. There will be no direct way to play with the search engines. People will always stop writing articles for algorithms and instead write articles for people. 

Final Thoughts 

The power of this Google algorithm update—Google MUM, lies in its multilingual, multitasking, and most importantly, multimodal capabilities. It will completely change the search engine and may increase the impact of BERT in future. Every time there is a Google algorithm update, SEO experts must make adjustments. 

If you’re new to this field or are willing to modify your website according to this new update, but don’t know what to do and how to do it, then let us help you. We at Whitehat Codes are a team of specialists and have years of experience in providing SEO services. We try to keep our pace with changing algorithms and give our best to our clients. You can visit our website to know more about us and our services.

link building techniques

Top 7 Effective Link Building Techniques for 2021

If link building techniques are not in your SEO dictionary, then it’s time to get a new one. Obtaining relevant and authoritative backlinks is one of the best ways to improve keyword rankings and drive organic traffic. If you have heard of link building before but don’t know much about it, you are not alone. 

Over the years, link building techniques have undergone major changes, and companies can use a variety of methods to obtain backlinks. In this article, we will take a glance upon link building techniques and focus on the most commonly used strategies in the industry. 

Top 7 effective link building techniques –

Unlinked brand mentions 

Generally, publications mention a company in the article without linking to the company’s website. This brought a quick win for link building. In cases where your brand is mentioned but there is no link, you can send a request to the website editor asking if they can update the article with a link to your website. This process of finding the unlinked mentions is probably one of the most popular and successful link building strategies, especially for big brands. 

Local link building 

Local link building is a technique of allowing other websites in your nearby area / local area to link to your website. Although this is a great way for small organizations to gain organic traffic, this method of link building can also be one of the most challenging because local opportunities may be limited. Local link building usually involves contacting smaller, less authoritative organizations in the area where your company is located. 

Guest blogging

If you have the time and resources to create written content for industry websites, you may want to incorporate guest blogs into your link building strategy. Guest blogs usually involve contacting third-party posts and offering to create content for them. In exchange for providing high-quality articles for your website, the website will usually allow you to link to your own website in the article. 

Content-based link building 

Unlinked mentions and directory links are easy to win, but chances are limited. For this reason, many companies have found that using linkable content is the most effective way to ensure the long-term success of link building activities. In fact, this is the main strategy that many companies use for most of their customers. 

List your site in a trusted directory 

There are many directories online that have no real value to Internet users, and Google has excluded them from their search results. You don’t want your website to appear on this type of page. But not all online directories are bad. A directory not only just gives you the opportunity to post links to your website, but on the other hand it also provides useful information for your potential customers. 

Recover dead backlinks 

Sometimes you may find broken links pointing to your website. This can happen if the location of your page changes or if other webmasters misspelled your link. In both of these cases, such backlinks will show a 404 error. This type of problem can also frequently occur after the site is rebooted or migrated to another domain. Then you need to redirect these backlinks to other pages. 

Find the Strongest Competitor Healthy Backlinks 

Since Google released the Penguin update in 2012, strong links have not been the only concern for webmasters. If you do not want to be penalized, the link must also be secure. How do you find strong but risk-free links related to your niche? 


Link building techniques are a game of art and numbers. There are several ways to link to your website. Whether it’s writing new content to post on another website (guest blog) or allowing a website to insert your link into existing content (niche edit), there are countless ways to make a link point to your website. The challenge is to find an effective method.

In case you’re looking for a company to do this task of yours and you are unable to track the right one, we at Whitehat Codes are ready to serve you. With all our years of experience and specialised team members, we will always try to give our best to you and help you in achieving your goals. You can visit our website to know more about us and our services.

mobile friendly websites

The Importance of Having a Mobile-Friendly Website

A mobile-friendly website is a terrific approach to win the respect and loyalty of a large number of mobile device users. When compared to prior years’ numbers, we can detect a significant increase in the use of mobile devices. It’s only natural, given that mobile devices are essentially little computers with Internet access that are always within reach. As a result, a mobile-friendly website is a must-have for you. 

This article includes broad information and critical considerations for senior executives and marketing/communications employees regarding the necessity of mobile compatibility for a number of businesses. It also features Google’s mobile-friendly test, which will tell you whether your site is mobile-friendly right away. We’ll also see why you need to hire SEO services to get this job done.

The Emerging Need

Most of us have known for a long time that people all around the world are increasingly using a variety of gadgets to access the internet. It’s no longer safe to assume that a visitor to your company’s website will be using a desktop or laptop computer; there’s a significant possibility she’ll be using a tablet or a smartphone instead.

Traditional websites, even those created just a few years ago, were rarely structured for mobile display and do not render properly on today’s current devices. While some sectors have been quick to respond by converting their company websites to mobile-friendly forms, many decision-makers are still unaware that this is a significant issue that can have an impact on their bottom line.

What does it mean to have a mobile-optimized website?

In general, a mobile-optimized website is one that is optimised for use on smaller displays, such as iPhones and Android smartphones, as well as intermediate-sized tablets. Mobile-optimized websites adjust to the smaller screen size and format the information and interface in a mobile-friendly manner, including:

  • Text that is larger and easier to read
  • Navigation that is compatible with mobile devices
  • Buttons and page components that are touch-friendly
  • Improved download speed

Websites are an important part of today’s business because they provide information about your company and your field of practice. Your website lays the foundation for your relationship with your customers until you inspire them to take action. But that means your website needs to appeal to clients based on how they use it. You may have a beautiful and dynamic desktop website, but unless the website wireframe is mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on an important part of your online presence. 

Mobile Technology Today 

In a technology-driven world, mobile Internet traffic increases desktop traffic by approximately 3% per year. Desktops and laptops are used at home and at work, and most people use mobile devices on the move. People of all ages used their smartphones and tablets to work online, search social media and read the news. 

Continuous access to content has created a society that demands information instantly on the go. As a result, many websites have been tuned to create mobile-friendly formats, allowing website visitors to use their existing computer sitting on their desk, or use their tablet while commuting. You can use your mobile phone for shopping to get what you need on the weekend while lying on your couch!

What Are the Signs That Your Company’s Website Is Mobile-Friendly?

In general, you’ll be able to tell if your website is mobile-friendly if it scales to show content and navigation in a way that’s optimal for use on smaller displays. If you’re not sure, Google has a Mobile-Friendly Test that you can use to see if your site passes or fails the test. Simply enter your URL and Google will tell you whether your site passes or fails the test. 

If it passes, you’re good to go; if it doesn’t, you should consider switching your site to a mobile-friendly style as soon as possible. If you’re new to it and don’t know how to do it or maybe you don’t have enough time for it, you can hire a company to offer it’s mobile optimization and SEO services to you.

Why Do You Need a Mobile Friendly Website?

Mobile Friendly Websites are no longer just for a small number of users. It is needed for the way people today are using mobile technology. But it’s more than just about accessing mobile devices. There are several reasons why a mobile-friendly site is a good idea for you. Understanding the following reasons can help highlight the value of this approach to your company’s business goals. 

Users want mobile access

People are using their desktops for work or personal reasons, but chances are they’re using mobile devices. People are expecting to be able to find anything on mobile devices, such as desktop computers, that are very accustomed to instant access to information. Without a mobile-friendly website, leads won’t be able to easily access information about your company from their mobile device. 

Make it easy for potential customers to contact you

Websites for mobile provide visitors to the website with the ability to immediately contact them using an easy-to-click button (phone or email). Google’s most important algorithms prioritize mobile-friendly sites. Google knows that most people are online using their mobile devices, so they want their search results to match the search needs of the vast majority of users. 

Optimize your website for mobile-friendly use 

Optimization of your website in terms of format and content : if SEO content is more effective and potential customers use keywords and phrases when searching, your site will be in search results to occupy a higher ranking. Whether your potential customers search on your desktop or on mobile, mobile-friendly websites can help Google happily improve your site’s rankings. 

Mobile friendly content can be shared more 

Sharing is an important way to disseminate information. From social media links to text messages, websites, friends and family, people want to share what they see and love. However, if it’s not a mobile-friendly website, desktop to mobile sharing will not work properly. Even if the client wants to share the information with others, the information the new client gets is not in a format that can appeal to them and it may not take long to save the link for reading on the desktop.

Stay competitive

Competitors, especially those with successful internet marketing programs, have already integrated their mobile websites. If you want to go accordingly, keep busy. Whether you’re redesigning your site to look more appealing to your target population or leveraging mobile technology in the form of your site, mobile-friendly websites are an important part of a successful online business. 

Wider reach

Having a mobile-friendly site means that you can communicate with the majority of your target audience, as more people use the Internet on mobile devices than on desktops. Modifying your site for your mobile device allows you to share information with your customers and achieve your company’s business goals and website metric goals.

What Does It Take to Make a mobile-optimized website?

Converting your website to a mobile-friendly format will involve some effort if it is not currently optimised for mobile browsing. Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple button you can press to make your site mobile-friendly right now. If your present website is well-designed, well-coded, and uses a database-driven content management system (CMS), upgrading your existing page templates may be all that is required. 

In other circumstances, your site will require more substantial development and will need to be rebuilt. In either instance, you can keep your current design scheme and content, or if you’ve been considering a redesign in the first place, combining a design upgrade with a mobile-friendly update is a cost-effective way to improve your organization’s complete web presence in one fell swoop.

The two most frequent methods to mobile websites are to create a separate mobile site that is designed for handheld devices or to develop your main site in a “responsive design” that scales to any screen size. While there are some circumstances when having a distinct mobile site makes sense, responsive design is becoming the new standard. 

Developing a single website that spans across all devices – from desktop to tablet and portable – may be more time consuming in the beginning, but the increased efficiency of managing a single site rather than two is evident over time.

Whitehat Codes

We at Whitehat Codes have an outstanding team of WordPress experts in India. We aim to build 100+ websites so far and provide the best WordPress development services in India. Apart from the creation of the WordPress website, our team also assists in providing the necessary procedures for the maintenance of the website and services like website wireframe as well. 

Our WordPress experts support new WordPress tutorials through their blog. We design with your vision in mind to keep your website up to date at all times. So in case you’re looking for an experienced to help you in WordPress design & development and other stuff like website wireframe, SEO services, content marketing, that too, all under one single roof—We might be the perfect pick for you!

seo services for small business

Affordable SEO Services for Small Business

At the point when you think that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most savvy type of promotion today, it’s anything but whether or not you need it or not yet an issue of who can convey quality outcomes. A huge number of digital advertising organizations that guarantee they are the best SEO Company for small businesses will vie for your mark on the dabbed line yet it doesn’t imply that their guarantees will materialize and it positively doesn’t imply that you’ll get a quality profit from your investment.

To stay away from the traps of conceivably employing an organization that can’t follow through on outcomes and might hurt your online presence, you need to put a solid accentuation on examination and personal investigations into each organization to see your organization grow in the online space.

SEO: Not A Piece Of Cake

It’s difficult to grasp how SEO works. It’s even more difficult to find affordable SEO services for small businesses to work for you, but the worst part is discovering later that it was a complete disaster. It’s common when you can’t tell the difference between a cheap and an effective yet economical service.

Many small businesses give up on SEO because it is either too costly or too time-consuming. It’s a sad SEO narrative, and if not properly scouted, they’ll lose whatever SEO cash they had set aside. Hiring the appropriate SEO expert is essential for enhancing the quality of your website while saving time for your company.

Things To Consider 

Here are some things to consider while looking for affordable small business SEO services.

It’s difficult to say what SEO services for small business your company requires because every company is different. Are you a web-based entrepreneur? Do you have a physical location? Do you work as a blogger or an affiliate marketer? Do you provide any kind of service?

Before you look for affordable SEO services for your small business, you must first determine what type of company you have. Examine the competition in your area and consider hiring an SEO consultant to execute an affordable SEO assessment.

SEO Audit

An SEO audit necessitates dedication and perseverance. Many expert SEOs use it as the initial step in learning about site health, content, keyword rankings, and other topics. Auditing is one of the most important SEO procedures for determining a website’s search engine compliance.

Today, firms who do not have a proper SEO strategy are unlikely to survive. While we emphasise the importance of a strategy, you cannot be successful without a thorough understanding of your website. A technical SEO audit is required to do this. Keep in mind that even if your website isn’t broken, but has undergone a series of adjustments or a complete redesign, an audit is required.

The goal of an SEO audit is to find blind spots and improve your rankings. Organic search will drive visitors to your website, increasing your online presence and keeping you up to date on algorithm changes. Some of the top SEO tools available might assist you in determining a more cost-effective approach to an SEO audit. Using specialist technologies, a website audit can be completed quickly. 

Let’s Dive In!

If you’re a beginner with little to no knowledge of SEO, however, you should engage SEO experts to conduct a website audit for you! The goal of this article is to help us understand how a low-cost SEO service varies from a higher-cost SEO service. 

What actually is an affordable SEO service?

The definition of affordable SEO services is frequently determined by the budget and revenue of your organisation. As a small business owner, you’re probably working with a limited budget. That does not, however, imply less-than-ideal SEO services. Affordable SEO services for small businesses are a cost-effective solution to boost your website’s traffic and online presence by implementing optimization tactics and strategies.

SEO firms that advertise themselves as cheap provide similar SEO services at a low cost, as previously noted. However, one important aspect of their strategy is the quality of the services they deliver. They may decide to prioritise speed over quality and performance by employing copied tactics that rarely produce results. Black-hat practises, in particular, that go against industry standards.

Pricing for SEO

While we’re on the subject of ‘affordability,’ it’s worth thinking about SEO price structures for a while.

Some self-claimed affordable small business SEO services operate in a ‘cloak and dagger’ manner, surprising you with unexpected expenses. As a result, they are promptly removed from our list.

Pricing must be open and transparent. Unfortunately, it isn’t often advertised on the agency’s website; instead, you must request a quote.

The following are some typical questions to ask an agency:

  • Is there a one-time setup fee?
  • What is the cost of management?
  • What are the monthly fees in total?
  • Do you have any SEO packages?
  • Is there a fixed pricing or a sliding scale?
  • Are there any other charges we should be aware of?
  • Will you break down the monthly rates on the bill line by line?
  • Do we have to pay if the results aren’t as expected?

SEO is a broad term that refers to a variety of services. Without becoming too technical, on-page services concentrate on keyword research and optimising your site’s content, while off-page services concentrate on link-building and citation-building.

Before you commit to anything, make sure you understand what the cost includes and excludes, just like you would with any other marketing service.

5 Tips to find the best SEO company

Picture your hand as a fist. To open it up and shake hands with your new and the best SEO company for you, use these 5 tips that will assist you with employing the best SEO company for small businesses.

Are you certain that you need to employ a SEO company or would you be able to take every necessary step in house?

SEO work is certainly not a one time buy. It requires exertion month over month and in case you’re a private company, it very well might be a test to commit an advertising financial plan to finishing this work consistently. Before you even start to place work into investigating organizations, ask yourself, “Is this something we can do all alone?” If you’ve never ventured foot into the online world to advance your business almost certainly, the appropriate response would be a resonating “no”.

Whenever you’ve settled on an organization, do a profound check of their services

The internet (and likely your email inbox) is overflowed with individuals offering to give SEO services to your private company however in the event that you give any consideration, these offers can go from work that solitary a few hundred dollars as a one time expense as far as possible up to organizations whose costs start in the five figures each month. Obviously, there is almost no center ground with regards to purchasing SEO administrations. Whenever you’ve distinguished your spending plan, it’s an ideal opportunity to do a profound check of the services given by these agencies.

Whenever you’ve taken a look at the services take a look at what their customers say on their site

SEO organizations that serve independent companies will make a great deal of fantastic cases and many will offer you the moon and the stars with regards to how they can help your business. A ton of organizations do this since site improvement is so unfamiliar to many. Whenever you’ve distinguished a couple of organizations who you think may accommodate your spending plan, it’s an ideal opportunity to perceive what their customers say.

Check the reviews of the site

Since the SEO organization’s site will pick and pick the surveys they post on the site, check the reviews accomplished for the organization off the site as well. Checking Google Reviews, Yelp Clutch and Upwork are incredible spots to begin. Simply search by the organization name and see genuine surveys.

Become acquainted with the people who will make it work

In all actuality when you’re searching for the best SEO organization for your company, you don’t really require the greatest SEO firm out there. You can get quality SEO at sensible costs and you shouldn’t be paying $10,000+/month to get results. Be that as it may, you will require a gathering of specialists who can offer the types of assistance they guarantee.

By following the above tips you’ve effectively distinguished whether the organization can get results through case studies, asking references and through testimonials. Now also check people at the organization to ensure they have a decent online presence of their own and have adequate experience accomplishing the work.


With regards to recruiting the best SEO company for small businesses it’s truly only one major background verification. Agencies ought to be transparent on their site and in discussion with you. They ought to have specialized information that is consistent with Google, Yahoo and Bing best practices. Furthermore, they ought to have an incredible standing serving their customers.

If you are looking for someone who can fulfill all your SEO needs under one roof that too at affordable rates, then you are absolutely at the right place. We at Whitehat Codes are a team of expert individuals who have specialised in SEO services and have years of experience. Visit our website to know more about us and our services. Now!

best seo company

Tips To Choose The Best SEO Company

If you are reading this blog because you were pondering upon the question “how to pick an SEO company” then, Congratulations! Your SEO journey has just begun. Knowing the benefits of an effective SEO campaign is the first step to success. That means you have done your homework and that’s a great thing. 

How do we know? 

That’s quite easy to predict as you are looking for advice on choosing an SEO agency and it simply shows that you understand that SEO is a full time job. 

It takes dedication, resources, and ongoing review to ensure efforts produce world-class results. And all of these responsibilities can keep you from doing what you love best to run your business. Handing over the task of sort of tiresome SEO to professionals can help your business in reaching greater heights. 

They are also experts in this digital campaign. Hence, they keep you and your business up to date with the latest trends. This ensures that an effective strategy is developed to produce the most appropriate results specific to your brand. 

We all agree upon the fact that hiring a specialist for SEO is probably the best thing to do, but the big question is, which SEO agency should you work with? If you are pondering upon which company to choose, you are not alone. The internet is literally flooded with self-claimed top SEO companies, so how do you know which one is the best for you? 

 Also, choosing an SEO agency is serious business. Entering into a contract with an SEO agency is rightly said as the beginning of a long-term relationship. And as with all other successful relationships, they must be able to trust each other.  

How to find the best SEO company for your business? 

So you can’t just pick a name that looks good enough. You need to do your research and keep your eyes open to get the answer to your question of “how to pick an SEO company“. Here are ten tips on how to go in the right direction and pick the best SEO company in USA for your business.

 Define Your SEO Goals 

 Take a look at the services each agency offers. Which of them fits your goals? This will help you narrow your search and select the best and most reliable SEO company for your needs. Determine what areas of your online presence you need to work on. So start with a competitive digital marketing analysis. Do you need a new website or are you just tweaking your current SEO tactics? 

 For example, when a business decides it needs a new website, it needs to know how. WordPress is currently a popular option. However, before deciding on a WordPress theme, you should consider the following factors: 

  •  Load speed 
  •  Device compatibility 
  •  Browser performance 
  •  Plugin integrations 
  •  SEO support 
  •  Ease of customization 
  •  Update availability 

But just a website design is not enough to make your brand profitable and hence, you will need some additional help from the SEO company. So choose a theme that will facilitate your efforts. 

Gather all relevant information 

Can the company support its claims with facts? For this, what you really need is an unbiased opinion about the SEO agency. There is a ton of data to look at, like: Online reviews, case studies, and client testimonials. And you should try to read them all, beginning with the most recent ones. This is a relevant indicator of how far the company is in current SEO trends. 

Start by searching for it on Google and Yelp. And since each industry has unique modules and different consumer expectations, you need to do your research. A reputable agency will be happy to provide you with all the information you need. 

Identify the techniques they use 

To get evidence of an agency’s effectiveness, ask about the top numbers for SEO performance indicators. 

Even if they cannot provide all the information due to client confidentiality clauses, they can provide evidence of how well they are doing their job. Lastly, the ones that are professional and reliable SEO companies often track and measure campaign results. This allows them to refine strategies to achieve optimal results. 

Top SEO metrics to track are: 

  •  Rankings 
  •  Leads & Sales 
  •  Organic Traffic 
  •  Keyword Rankings 
  •  Backlinks 
  •  Bounce Rate 
  •  Pages Per Session 
  •  Average Page Load Time 
  •  Click Through Rate ( CTR) 

 Visit SEO Company 

As mentioned above, it is a relationship. So meet the people involved. Talking to them on the phone is one thing, but meeting the team face-to-face is quite another. This will give you an idea of ​​the people involved. 

This is basically an opportunity for you to get in touch with the entire team who will be handling the SEO task for you. Both the parties should be able to understand each other from the beginning. Putting all members on the same page from the beginning saves time and resources. Also, in this part, the agency will walk you through some of their tactics. Not only does it bring your passion and creativity to the table, it also shows your attitude towards you and your company. 

Know your budget 

Always consider your budget before investing in an SEO agency. How much can you spend? 

A non-competitive local service campaign can cost a few hundred dollars a month, while a more aggressive national competitive product can cost thousands. Do you have the means to provide long-term support for your SEO campaign? Everyone knows and accepts it, that budget is definitely an important factor before choosing an SEO agency. You need to research SEO packages that fit your budget.

Beware of SEO guarantees. 

It is one thing to show positive results and quite another to guarantee certain results. Be suspicious of an SEO company guaranteeing them, as there is no way to accurately predict a website’s SERPs. 

While SEO agencies have a good idea of ​​how to get the best results, Google’s algorithms are constantly changing. Therefore, the experience and number of years an agency has in business are critical factors in the effectiveness of an agency’s strategies. 

Think Beyond SEO 

It’s great that you take SEO seriously. But think about the big picture. What else does your website need to stay one step ahead of the competition? Above all, focus on how to increase revenue with actual sales and conversions. 

Many SEO agencies offer advanced SEO campaigns. You should choose one with enough knowledge and experience to help your brand grow. To do this, you need to ask about conversion rate optimization and AB testing. 

Avoid choosing a “cheap” SEO agency 

Price is important when it comes to SEO agencies and services. You ought to set a budget and find an SEO company within that budget only to maintain a balance between expenses and finances of your company as well. The mistake, however, is that many companies set unrealistic budgets. For example, you see agencies that offer SEO for $ 100 a month and you think that is a fair amount. 

However, the truth is that SEO companies that promote these ultra-low prices and claim themselves to be the “best SEO company in USA” or “reliable SEO company” often fail to deliver. They deliver unsatisfactory results when it comes to their strategy, for example using copy and paste methods to get non-existent returns. Or they don’t communicate with their team. Again, that lack of service results in a terrible customer experience and a return. 

With SEO, you get what you pay for, so you need a realistic budget. Educate your business on SEO pricing. Then you can set a manageable monthly budget for SEO services. For reference, businesses spend an average of $ 750-2000 per month, although that number can vary based on their strategy, business size, and more. 

Don’t look for local SEO companies only 

Working with a local SEO agency is an advantage in choosing a good SEO company. However, when it comes to what to look for in an SEO company, the location of your agency shouldn’t be your number one factor. You want to prefer experience, performance, and customer experience over location, as this will have the biggest impact on the quality of your service. Limiting yourself to a small area can prevent your business from getting the results you want. 

Don’t choose a Blackhat SEO Agency 

Your company (and your executives) want results. However, SEO does not provide instant results. In most cases, the return will take three to six months. This feature can lead to frustration and smart companies falling in love with blackhat’s SEO strategies. 

Blackhat SEO describes unethical (and ineffective) long-term SEO tactics. While you can use blackhat approaches to quickly rank in search results, you’ll quickly get out of page one. Worse still, Google can even prevent your website from reappearing in search results. This means that people cannot find your business website using the world’s largest search engine. 

You don’t want that, so you should focus on established Whitehat SEO agencies. These companies use best practices and ethical strategies to help your business rank in search results. In most cases, cheap SEO services and blackhat SEO agencies go hand in hand.

A Final Thought 

 Remember that SEO is a complex process. Includes many details and nuances. However, they all have the same goal: to make your website easier for search engines to understand, increase online visibility, and make your website more user-friendly. 

There are other types of SEO depending on the size of your business. For example, a B2B SEO agency can help you tailor strategies for your business so that you can take advantage of SEO. It can help you outperform your competitors, get more leads, increase sales, maintain more market share in your industry, and take ROI to the next level. 


SEO is a valuable investment that should not be passed off as technical jargon. It’s more of something to start with sooner rather than later. In fact, consider this the ideal opportunity to increase your brand awareness and equity. With the right campaign, your website can get both quantitative and qualitative visits. 

 If your marketing budget allows it, hiring a reliable SEO company is a great way to grow your business. But finding the best one is undoubtedly the toughest part. You want to work with a team of experts who are as responsible for the success of your business as you are. They trust that they are building the right image for their brand. 

We hope this blog would have helped you in finding the answer to your question of “how to pick an SEO company” and now it’s the time to choose the best SEO company in USA for your success.

The Ultimate Guide To Pinterest SEO

Pinterest SEO deals with optimization of your Pinterest profile and website to generate more organic (and, if you wish, paid) traffic from Pinterest. The main ways through which Pinterest’s SEO is different from that to Google’s SEO is how the target “keywords” are identified and then used to optimize one’s profile. 

In this article we will take a glance at those tips which one can follow to gain better SEO at pinterest, and we will also answer the questions like whether you should opt for hiring SEO services for small businesses or any other SEO services in general as well.

Tips for better Pinterest SEO

Keywords are a vital part of Pinterest SEO, yet there are additionally alternate approaches to upgrade for the Pinterest search engine. Here are some tips: 

1. Compose insightful Pin descriptions 

Don’t simply label your description with a grouping of well known words. Great descriptions assist your Pin with performing, and that thus can further develop your Pin’s SEO ranking. Inform Pinners regarding your Pin, where it connects to, and incorporate a solid call-to-action. 

2. Utilize Rich Pins 

Rich Pins are basically Pins with more detail, and that additional detail can work on ranking. There are four kinds of Rich Pin: app, product, recipe, and article. 

3. Pin in the ideal ratio 

Pinners have become mobile: 85% of all Pinterest looks occur on smart gadgets. That implies Pins with vertical pictures will in general perform better compared to squares or even pictures. The ideal aspect ratio is 2:3 (600 pixels wide: 900 pixels high). 

4. Streamline your Pinterest Boards 

Actually like with Pins, quality board names and descriptions will likewise further develop SEO execution. Remember to pick a relevant board category, as well. To do this, select the pencil symbol in the lower right part of your board, and select the classification that best describes it. 

The same goes for your profile. Make certain to have a SEO-friendly username, round out the “about you” segment, and upload a profile picture. 

5. Save Pins to Relevant Boards 

The more consistent and active you are on Pinterest, the better. When you make a Pin, the principal board you pin it also will remain related to it. Along these lines, the more pertinent the Pin is to the board, the better the odds it will rank well. 

6. Claim your site 

Pinterest focuses on Pins that are made by the proprietor of the suitable site. To interface your site with your content, you’ll need to claim your site. An additional benefit is that whenever you’ve asserted your site, you’ll open additional analytics on Pinterest and website content performance. 

7. Make new content from your site 

Since Pinterest focuses on Pins that are made by the site’s proprietor, it may very well be a smart thought to make content from your site. Before you do, you can verify what individuals are as of now pinning from your site by composing[yoursite] into your program. 

8. Stay away from plagiarized or duplicate content 

There are bits of hearsay Pinterest plans to crackdown on this, what’s more, fresh content is in every case better. 

9. Pin regularly 

Pinterest favors customary and reliable Pinners. In this way, rather than Pinning everything in one go, Pin at ordinary stretches. To amplify execution, try to Pin at the best time of day. You can decide ideal occasions dependent on audience location details and by searching for high commitment periods in your examination. 

10. Focus on engagement 

Solid engagement measures can positively affect SEO. Work to keep a functioning and active follower base. Furthermore, in particular, lead ordinary examination reports to perceive what’s working and so forth, and tailor your system likewise. 

Two most significant things to remember while dealing with keywords 

Try not to be excessively generic 

Generic keywords are helpful, however consider going with them with clear detail, as well. For instance, “Recipe” is the most mainstream word on the rundown, however it’s rarely utilized alone. “Christmas decorations” ranks before “Christmas” and “fall outfits” and “summer outfits” rank before “outfits.” If you have hired some company for its SEO services, then it’s much better to discuss with them.

Have a go at utilizing keywords as hashtags, as well 

In case Pinners are looking for these keywords at high rates, there’s a decent possibility the hashtag reciprocals are being trailed by numerous Pinners, as well. Make a point to follow your keyword performance.


So in case you are looking for SEO services for small business, then we’d recommend you to visit our website and take a glance at a wide range of SEO services that we at Whitehat Codes provide. Be it SEO optimized content or be it WordPress development, be it UI/UX designing or be it web development, We Do It All! Visit our website to find out more about us!

content marketing services

Content Marketing Services: The Complete Guide for a Successful Digital Strategy

Regardless of whether you’re simply beginning with content digital marketing or you’ve been utilizing a similar methodology for some time, it never hurts to return to your content marketing strategy — to ensure its state-of-the-art, imaginative, and drawing in for your possibilities and clients, regardless of when or how they mean to buy. 

The initial step to getting a decisive advantage over the competitors — and effectively captivating your crowd — is to have a strong, savvy content marketing strategy in place. If you’re experiencing difficulty anticipating the forthcoming year or need some new strategies to remember for your arrangement, read on. 

In this post, we’ll plunge into what content marketing strategy is, the reason your business needs a content marketing strategy, what steps you need to take to make your unique strategy and should you opt for a company specialised in content marketing services?

What is content strategy? 

A content marketing strategy is a process that takes your business objectives, and afterward utilizes content as an essential way to accomplish those objectives. For example, your business objectives may incorporate expanding brand attention (to eventually drive more income) — to accomplish this objective, you may execute a content system that spotlights on SEO to build site visibility on the SERPs and direct people to your product or services

How to make a Content Marketing Strategy ?

Now let’s jump in to see the particulars of how to make a content digital marketing strategy

1. Characterize your objective. 

What’s your target for fostering a content marketing strategy? For what reason would you like to deliver content and make a content marketing strategy? Know your objectives before you start planning, and you’ll make some simpler ideas figuring out what’s best for your system. 

2. Direct persona research. 

To foster an effective plan, you need to plainly characterize your content’s intended interest group — otherwise called your buyer persona. This is particularly significant for the individuals who are beginning or are new to marketing. By knowing your intended interest group, you can deliver more significant and important content that they’ll need to pursue and change over on. 

3. Run a content review. 

A great many people begin with blog entries, yet assuming you need to wander out and have a go at delivering other content pieces, consider which ones you need to make. 

In case you’ve been doing business for some time, survey your content marketing endeavors and the outcomes from it somewhat recently by running a content review. Sort out what you can do another way in the forthcoming year and put forward new objectives to reach. This moment is an extraordinary opportunity to adjust your group’s objectives to the remainder of your association’s objectives. 

4. Pick a CMS

Have a framework set up where you can make, oversee, and track your content, also called a content management system (CMS). A couple of imperative pieces of content management incorporate content creation, content publication, and content analysis. 

5. Conceptualize content thoughts. 

At this stage, it’s an ideal opportunity to fire thinking of thoughts for your next content task. There are various types of content marketing services out there and you’ve to conceptualize your content accordingly.

6. Figure out which kinds of content you need to make. 

There are an assortment of choices out there for content you can make. All you have to do is pick a kind of content, that means pick a particular niche or genre in which you want your content to be written and reach to your visitors.

7. Publish and manage your content. 

Your digital marketing strategy ought to go past the sorts of content you’ll make — it ought to likewise cover how you’ll put together your content. With the assistance of an article schedule, you’ll be destined for success for publishing a well-balanced and various content libraries on your site. Then, at that point, make an online media content schedule so you can advance and deal with your content on different destinations. 


At the point when you’re prepared for additional thoughts, there are plenty of various content types to broaden your content marketing. It requires some investment, association, and innovation to grow an effective content marketing strategy. Well, it’s not necessary that you might be an expert in these tasks and taking up all these responsibilities single-handedly can surely be overwhelming and tiring.

So in such a case, it’s a good idea to opt for a company that specialises in the field of content marketing services. We at Whitehat Codes offer some amazing services. So be it your Content Marketing Strategy, or simply just SEO services, or maybe WordPress development or UI/UX designing—We Do It All. 

Yes! You read it right! So what’re you waiting for? Contact us and get your desired results now!

seo company

Tips for Choosing a Reliable SEO Company

Congratulations if you’re reading this blog! Your SEO journey has started. Understanding the advantages of a successful SEO campaign is the first step toward success. That implies you’ve completed your homework. And it appears like you’ve done an excellent job.

How do we know? Simply because you’re looking for advice on how to hire a reliable SEO company that realizes SEO is a full-time job. To ensure your efforts are providing top-notch results, it takes attention, commitment, resources, and constant adjustments. And all of these tasks may prevent you from accomplishing what you really want to do: manage your business.

Leaving SEO to the best SEO service provider in USA can help your company soar to new heights. Furthermore, they are digital campaign gurus. As a result, they are up to date on the current fashion trends. This guarantees that an effective plan is designed to get the most appropriate results for your brand.

Best SEO services in USA

Best SEO companies in USA can assist you with something other than SEO. It’s basically a smart thought to pick an organization that can likewise furnish you with: content marketing, social media posts, email marketing, pay per click campaigns and a lot more! At the point when you employ the right organization to accomplish this perplexing work for you, you can zero in on maintaining your business as opposed to attempting to learn Search Engine Optimization techniques and best practices.

In this article we’ll look at those major tips one should keep in mind while recruiting an SEO agency, so how about we start off these tips without any delay?

How can the best SEO company assist businesses?

But, before we go any further, let’s take a quick look at the advantages an SEO firm may provide for your business. You can expect the following outcomes if SEO is done correctly:

  • Enhances brand recognition
  • Enhances rankings
  • Increases the number of visitors to your website
  • Improves the user experience and the performance of the website
  • Enhances your brand’s credibility
  • It has the potential to become the principal source of leads.
  • Increases conversion rates and sales.
  • Increases the likelihood of local consumers visiting a physical store after conducting an internet search.
  • Improves your site’s mobile friendliness and speed, among other things.
  • Assists you in maintaining a market share
  • Get a leg up on your competitors.

Whether you try to handle SEO on your own or pay an agency to do it for you, you must keep track of how effective your strategy is. In order to boost your ranks and organic traffic, plan on employing SEO monitoring tools to track the results. Furthermore, if your present SEO approaches aren’t yielding the desired results, it’s time to reconsider your strategy.

We can all agree that hiring an SEO expert is a good idea. But the most important question is: which SEO firm should I hire? You are not alone if you are debating which company to choose. How can you determine which SEO company is the best for you when the internet is swamped with them?

Furthermore, selecting an SEO provider is a critical matter. When you sign a contract with an SEO firm, you’re committing to a long-term partnership. You must be able to trust and rely on one another, just like in any other successful relationship.

How to pick the best company for you? 

How would you realize which organization can get you the outcomes you need? Generally, the truth will eventually come out, yet you can usually sort out a basic “Indeed, I’ll contact these organizations” and “Hell no, they aren’t touching my site” by using SEO organization reviews, search engine optimization techniques, contextual investigations, and site content. To assist with narrowing your inquiry, utilize these five tips mentioned below to help you discover an accomplice appropriate for your business. 

Clearly define your SEO goals 

To track down the right group for the work, you first need to sort out which areas of your online presence you need to improve. You may require a totally different site or you may simply require search engine optimization techniques. Assuming you don’t know which regions you need to improve, then get a digital marketing analysis done. A decent agency will have the information expected to demonstrate which areas are generally advantageous to focus upon. 

Find an SEO company that tracks your data 

To track down the best solutions for your unique business, you will need to utilize an SEO company that can track and quantify the entirety of your organization information. This incorporates calls, contact forms, site visits, pay per click rates, and that’s just the beginning. To pick the right business techniques for your organization, settle on choices dependent on outcomes and not gut instincts. 

Get SEO company reviews, case studies & testimonials 

The most ideal approach to hear fair thoughts about an organization? Reviews! Probably the most ideal approach to track down a trustworthy office is to peruse their tributes and online surveys. You will frequently discover these reviews by investigating the organization’s site or looking for them on locales like Google, Trustpilot, Clutch, or even Upwork and Glassdoor (to perceive what their clients think about them and their work). The more you search the better. 

For more intensive data, demand contextual information from the organization by calling them up or filling up a form online. This is one incredible approach to perceive what the hired team is prepared to do. Another incredible method to figure out an agency is by mentioning a reference. A legitimate organization ought to have the option to place you in contact with a current customer so you can talk with them about their own insight and level of fulfillment. 

Schedule a consultation 

Regardless of whether you are a street or two away from the SEO firm or a large number of miles abroad, you can usually request a consultation call or meeting, whatever is possible and convenient. No doubt, the organization will be glad to pull up some exploration of your industry and walk you through certain methodologies they have utilized on past customers. A conference will assist you with figuring out the sort of individuals in their group and their degree of enthusiasm and innovativeness. 

Define your SEO budget 

Before you put resources into an assistance you can’t bear, remember to design out your spending plan early. It is a smart thought to get some information about packages and pricing from the beginning to check whether the help is in your value range. Most SEO organizations will have an assortment of month to month packages to browse, which should make your life simpler. At the point when it comes time to pick a package bargain, allude back to your unique objective to see which bundle will get you close to your objective.

Last but not the least

Keep in mind that SEO is a lengthy procedure. It requires a great deal of attention to detail and nuance. They all have the same purpose, though: to make your website easier for search engines to understand, to boost online visibility, and to make your site more user-friendly.

The following are some SEO types:

  • Local SEO 
  • Mobile SEO 
  • Technical SEO 
  • On-Page SEO 
  • Content SEO 
  • Off-Page SEO

These SEO subgroups are not distinct processes. It’s simply a method of dividing SEO into smaller chunks to make it easier to manage.

Depending on the size of your company, there are many types of SEO. A B2B SEO agency, for example, can assist you create tactics so that you can realise the benefits of SEO. It can help you outperform your competitors by capturing more leads, increasing sales, increasing market share in your industry, and increasing ROI.

Similarly, a business SEO firm may assist in attracting, converting, and nurturing leads in order to boost sales pipelines. They want to boost the company’s growth so that rival companies don’t outperform you.

Why pick Whitehat Codes?

Whitehat Codes is a WordPress agency, who also provide a wide range of SEO services as well. We have excellent WordPress and search engine optimization techniques experts in India and have built more than 100 websites till now and are aiming towards providing the best WordPress development services in India.

You can find us on Glassdoor, Trustpilot, Clutch, and ofcourse Upwork—where we are top rated agency and are close to achieve the Top Rated + Badge which is the highest one of all. So in a nutshell, from WordPress to SEO, and Website development to Content Marketing—We Do It All!

seo techniques

Increase Your Site Traffic With The Best SEO Techniques

The test for any business is to ensure that when individuals search for a product or service like yours, they discover you and not a contender. Yet, it’s not about thoughtless search engine optimisation (SEO) and exorbitant pay per-click advertising. There’s a bounty you can do to build organic traffic at no expense with the exception of your time. In this article we’ll look upon those search engine optimization techniques that one can follow to gain traffic to his/her website and also how you can find the best company for SEO for your website. So let’s begin.

1. Optimize for your readers, not search engines

Above all else, compose your buyer personas so you know to whom you’re tending to your content. By making quality instructive content that resounds with your optimal purchasers, you’ll normally work on your search engine optimization techniques. This implies taking advantage of the principal issues of your personas and the keywords they use in search inquiries. Optimizing search engines alone is futile; the sum total of what you’ll have is keyword baffled hogwash. Please your purchaser personas, and you’ll organically please the search engines.

2. Blog consistently 

Writing for a blog is maybe the best method to expand your organic webpage traffic. It releases you into more profundity than your site permits and makes an enormous inventory of supportive, persona-enhanced contents fixated on your market specialty. Be that as it may, an inadequately composed, malicious or modest content can accomplish more damage than anything else. Stay away from such practices.

3. Plug into the blogosphere 

The blogosphere is a reciprocal kind of spot. Read, remark and link to others’ blogs and sites, especially those working in your industry, and they’ll ideally read, remark and link to yours, drawing in more possibilities. 

4. Utilize long-tail keywords 

Don’t simply go with the most well known keywords in your market. Use keywords that are more explicit to your product or service. In time, Google and other web search tools will recognize your site or blog as an objective for that specific subject, which thus will support your content in search rankings and help your optimal clients discover you. 

Keep in mind: Ranking on Google is tied in with claiming an authoritative reach for a particular niche or theme. This blog entry, for instance, is focused on for the individuals who need explicit learnings on expanding organic traffic. We’re not focusing on each SEO-related keyword. 

5. Get your meta down 

The meta title, URL and description are the three key elements for an optimized website page or blog post. It’s simple, however effective. Indeed, all on-page SEO factors are imperative to get right, however meta descriptions and meta data implies you can tell Google precisely about. 

6. Continuously make quality content 

Attempt to compose and distribute as regularly as could really be expected, however not at the expense of quality! The greater quality content – including leadership articles and blog posts – you have on your site or blog, the more chances you make for organic traffic to come your direction. 

7. Utilize internal links 

Whenever you’ve developed a decent back catalogue of content, you can connect to it in blogs and on your site, directing visitors to more pertinent content. Such search engine optimization techniques can save visitors on your site for more, which helps support your search rankings. Don’t, nonetheless, overuse internal links; an excessive number of times and it begins to look like spam. 

8. Encourage approaching links 

Google focuses on destinations that have a ton of approaching links, particularly from other reliable locales. Empower customers, companions, relatives, accomplices, providers, industry experts and cordial individual bloggers to connect to your webpage. The more incoming links you have, the higher your site will rank in light of the fact that, basically, the more legitimate it becomes according to search engines. 

9.  Blow your own trumpet 

You can likewise connect to your content yourself, on your very own blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon and so forth – no spamming though. On the off chance that individuals roll in from social media and invest time with your content, it is a solid sign to Google that the content is significant, helpful and intriguing. 

10. Utilize social media 

Construct a presence via social media networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and so on. These search engine optimization techniques help to get your name and site address out on the web. 

At last, to build organic site traffic, you need to offer your clients what they need – quality guidance, information and understanding. Although all these things can become overwhelming and complicated. In such cases it’s better to hire the best company for SEO to do this task of yours. We at Whitehat Codes are a team of experts in SEO techniques and WordPress development. We’re a top rated agency at Upwork and have a really high success rate. So if you are looking for the best company for SEO—we’d probably say that we’ll be the perfect fit for you. Visit our website to know more about us and our services.