Tips to Increase Your Google Rankings and Website Traffic

SEO Services — Tips to Increase Your Google Rankings and Website Traffic

Given the pervasiveness of online pursuit, it’s not shocking that each business needs to show up at the top of search results when a buyer is searching for a specific product or service it gives or you might want to grab more attention of your prospects by increasing the traffic on your site. Nonetheless, actually accomplishing that desired highest level calls for something other than an extraordinary business and online presence—it’s anything but a strong Search Engine Optimization (SEO) system set up. In this article we’ll discuss what are the best practices you ought to follow to increase your Google rankings and how to generate more and more web traffic to your site using. Let’s dive into it and begin with tips for increasing your Google rankings.

Approaches to improve your site’s Google rankings

Let’s say you own a small business and want to find a company to provide the SEO services to you, and you search on Google as SEO services small business, you’ll then find a list of service providers, but on topmost ones will be the one who has properly optimized content. You can follow these ideas to further develop your search engine optimization (SEO) and watch your website rise the ranks to the top point of search engine results. 

Publish Relevant Content 

Quality content is the main driver of your search results rankings and there is not a viable alternative for extraordinary content. Quality content made explicitly for your planned client expands site traffic, which works on your site’s power and significance. Adjust your web writing abilities accordingly. 

Update Your Content Regularly 

You’ve likely seen that we feel pretty strongly about content. search engines do, as well. Consistently refreshed content is seen as perhaps the best pointer of a site’s significance, so make certain to keep it updated. Review your content on a set timetable (semesterly for instance) and make refreshes depending on the situation. 


While you are designing your site, each page contains a space between the <head> tags to embed metadata, or data about the content of your page. In the event that you have a CMS website initially produced by the UMC, the web group will have pre-populated this information for you. Be that as it may, you should survey and refresh Metadata as your site changes over the long haul. 

Have a link-worthy site 

Zero in on making pertinent links inside the content. Rather than having “click here”, give the name of the destination itself. “Click here” has no search engine value in itself past the attached URL, though “SEO tips and tricks” for instance is rich with catchphrases and will further develop your search engine rankings just as the positioning of the page you are linking to. 

Use Alt tags 

Continuously describe your visual and video media utilizing alt tags, or alternative text descriptions. They permit search engine tools to find your page, which is crucial—particularly for the individuals who use text-only programs or screen readers. 

How to increase your Site Traffic?

There are billions of web pages out there on Google and literally thousands of websites, how do you expect that your website will grab the attention of your customers and audience if you don’t come up first? Well that depends upon your Google rankings and following are the tips one can follow to increase the same. You can also hire a SEO services company to do this task of yours.

Find Your Target Keywords 

One of the initial steps to fostering a SEO system that lines up with your business objectives is to recognize your objective keywords—that is, the essential words and expressions that exemplify your brand and its content. By leading keyword research utilizing tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner, WordStream or Wordtracker, you can figure out which keywords are generally pertinent to your intended audience—understanding that will assist you with growing the perceivability and reach of your site’s content in list items. 

Perfect Your On-Page SEO 

Basically, on-page SEO is the way toward streamlining singular website pages with target catchphrases so they rank higher in search results, draw in more website traffic and hence convert them into site visitors. Carrying out on-page SEO is a fundamental segment to expanding the online pursuit positioning of your business. 

Make a Killer Content Strategy 

Web search tools favor sites that are regularly refreshed with new, great content. In this way, to foster a content technique that will direct people to your site, one of your primary destinations ought to be to make quality content that is optimized for search. 

Republish Your Existing Content 

One of the primary advantages of having a blog is the SEO value it gives. It’s additionally an extraordinary method to keep your site up to date. Since only one out of every odd blog entry you make will get the perceivability it merits, set aside the effort to inhale new life into top-performing content that is as yet pertinent and significant by refreshing or republishing it with new content and pictures. Indeed, reviving old blog entries can build natural pursuit traffic to your website by up to 112%. 


Whenever you’ve advanced your site for search, it’s important that you continue to regularly screen it’s performance just like Google Analytics to figure out which keywords and traffic sources are creating the most conversions of traffic into visitors. So if you are looking for SEO services small business, then we at Whitehat Codes are the perfect pick for you. We design, keeping your vision in mind, our team keeps you updated with the progress of the websites and provide a wide range of offerings from SEO services to WordPress design & development. Visit our website to know more.

Wordpress - free, open-source platform for website creation

What is WordPress? Along with some of its best creations. 

So for those who are new to the world of WordPress, it is a free, open-source platform for website creation.

If we go for a more technical definition of WordPress, it will be defined as- ” WordPress basically is a content management system written in PHP, that uses a MySQL database.”

Also, WordPress is the most popular content management system on the Internet. It is one of the topmost used web development technology. It is actually used by a lot of top brands such as Linkedin, Sony Music, The Walt Disney company, etc.

WordPress started in 2003 by Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg. This amazing project has evolved in progressive ways and is supported by a lot of enthusiastic, skilled developers, scientists, designers, bloggers, and many more.

Let us now have a look at the Best WordPress themes of 2020


Oshine is one of the best WordPress themes is used for a vast range of website applications such as, personal to commercial, from business to corporate, sizes big and small both.

The theme of Oshine is built up with a very unique and powerful capability specifically for a static website, single-page website, and static webpage creation.

The best thing about the website creation in this WordPress theme is that it is intuitive, easy, and requires zero coding skills, and the whole work is done in a swift and efficient manner.


1) The theme help is to create some gorgeous, professional-looking static layouts for your website. Oshine also provides some pre-included demos, you can go through them to have an idea of its working.

2) It seamlessly produces expansive parallax static, vistas at high-resolution that will actually greatly impress the visitors at your website.

Also, these can be engaged with remotely hosted static Parallax video backgrounds.

3) Further, in Oshine you will have Oshine’s custom Drag and Drop visual page builder empowers, in which anyone can create incredible layouts from scratch and also from Oshine’s templates.

4) It also consists of some slider features such as Master Slider, Carousel Slider, and Full-Screen Slider. These sliders persistently simplify the display of huge amounts of content on your single page or static website.

Dress to impress with Oshine, and outshine the competition!


It is the most popular WordPress theme which is being used by over 800,000 users worldwide. This WordPress theme has the motto of “The sky is the limit”. This will be understood upon Divi’s installation.

Divi basically provides you with amazing unlimited features that are customizable and superior functionality. You can only achieve this by hiring a professional web developer.


1) The feature named “The Divi Builder” will help you to bring your dreams to reality by creating the layout for your dreams. The issue with some other builders is that they limit you.

There you can customize your dream ideas within some limits. But Divi layout provides you the ability to customize anything in your dream layouts such as icons, colors, page, and post formats, etc.

2) This basically helps the web developers to create a vibrant and dynamic interface without writing a single line of code. Also, the layout builder is based on a Drag & Drop interface, so even your kids or grandparents will be able to use it. Isn’t that amazing.

3) Divi also has the features of 18 pre-set layouts, which allows you to install themes and you can start uploading content in less than an hour. This feature is a solution for something functional and engaging.

4) This WordPress theme is really efficient and extremely responsive. It will provide you with n number of styles and it offers you great exposure by being accessible from any device and browser you have.

5) Regardless of the device’s operating system, the design will automatically resize itself to fit any screen size making it convenient for you.


It is one of the most used WordPress themes for blogging purposes. It covers every category from a simple and personal food blogging website to something like a tech news site.

A lot of you actually all of you guys who are web developers don’t want to spend their money on a dull, boring, or sub-standard WordPress theme. You guys will be wanting something majestic for the visitors, right.

Soledad is the one for you because it will provide you the biggest bang for your buck, and it will actually live up to the impressive expectations. The people who purchased this theme actually have a positive response.


Its quality design has impressed veterans and novice users. This theme has got this popularity based on its amazing and remarkable features. Let’s check them out:

1)The theme layout is responsive towards high-resolution Retina devices and most web browsers. In total, there are more than 200 blog layouts and slider combination options.

2)There are almost over 250-page demos are present for the users. The page demos can serve as a template for your own designs and it can also be directly installed as per your choice.

3) Soledad has 5 article layouts, 3 sidebar layouts, and 6 portfolio variations.

4) The users will also have the access to a color palette that is massive and also to a stunning website gallery.

5) Also an online source for documentation is also available for those guys who wish to have a deeper knowledge about their website. This feature is really very informative and well-written.

6) At last this theme posses the WordPress Live Customizer feature, through this you can preview all changes before you apply them. This encourages creativity by making it easier to correct mistakes.


This WordPress theme is on the list of those who are on the verge of getting popular very soon. With the features, this theme possesses anyone can take advantage of effortlessly.


1) Now, Webify is a multi-functional site skin with a mountainous collection of twenty neat, modern, and sophisticated demos.

In addition to that, Webify also includes all the other content for a super-fast understanding of your ideal online presence.

2) With Webify you can build some amazing pages for say agencies, businesses, freelancers, blogging purposes. your own online store, or we can just say Webify is for everyone and everything you want.

3)Some more features of Webify are the parallax effect, over two hundred shortcodes, compatibility with WPML for translation, and mega menu.

4) Features such as documentation and support are also on point that will actually be with you so that you never feel alone on your journey to the triumphant launch of your online space.


Uncode is again one of the very popular high-quality themes for WordPress. It focuses on the clean and beautiful design of your website.

WordPress theme has an amazing set of tools and impressive features that make the task of preparing highly interactive pages and websites for the users easy.


1) Its powered by the greatest and latest technologies of Web development. Incorporating HTML5 coding, polished and customizable CSS3 styling, and modular Bootstrap design.

All these features put together have given birth to Uncode which provides a completely gorgeous presentation that is acknowledged and appreciated by users from different market segments

2) It also focuses on legibility and brand identity, with broadly customizable typographical options and advanced color schemes.

3) The coding of Uncode is done in such an efficient manner so that it loads fast and will be easy on servers, which in simple terms means that Uncode is great for slower connections.

4) Unicode is also very social media friendly, and allows the virilization of content and maximizing exposure. Uncode is a theme that will let people build websites that they will enjoy and will want to share with others immediately.




White Label SEO Services

How you can make your website SEO friendly?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of improving your site to increase its visibility for relevant searches. Search engines such as Google and Bing use bots to crawl pages on the web, going from site to site, collecting information about those pages and putting them in an index.

How does it works

The search engine performs three functions that are crawl, index, rank. Examples of search engines are Google, Bing, Yahoo,, and Google is the best among all. Search engine optimization is a vital part of online marketing because search is one of the primary ways that users navigate the web. If the ranking increases because of the number of visitors to your website, that will help improve the business. The page you are delivered to after you enter a search query is called the search engine results page (aka SERP). The SERP presents you with organic results as well as pay-per-click ads (or PPC).

URL should be unerring

  • Include vital keywords in your URL. it only focuses on the best one keyword.
  • Use (-) rather than (_) its means that when we wanted to use complex keywords such as longterm, we should write as long-term
  • Choose a static URL address over Dynamic.
  • It should be Descriptive and relevant.

Keywords and its phrases

  • Make a list of relevant keywords that users typed into a search bar when they look for an appropriate one.
  • Use Google planner to search for keywords. It is freely available. You have to set up your account and need to give information related to your website  and it will give you a list of keywords.
  • Mixing different kinds of keywords that are generic, board match, and long-tail is the most strategic technique to get a variety of traffic.
  • The best places to put your keywords are headlines, subheadings, bolded sections within a text, and anchor texts
  • Website optimization is a long-term process that requires carefully tracking all your efforts. When it comes to keywords, you have to know which ones work in favor of your rankings.

Focus on content

  • Content of the website is most important for SEO nowadays. Try to provide useful and actionable information for users and update content.
  • Your contents should be of high quality and meaningful. Excessive misspellings and poor grammar can only harm your website’s rankings. A site that has information that unique and valuable, it will gain more exposure in the SERPs.
  • Images are a great addition to any site, but they can bog down your site with large file sizes. To improve load time, compress image sizes to help your site load faster.
  • By optimizing all of the images, videos, and Gifs you can improve the speed of your website.
  • Large page size decreases the loading speed of your website.
  • The slow loading speed can increase the bounce rate of your website, which directly affects your search engine ranking.
  • The loading speed of your website should not be more than 3 seconds because users expect results in less duration.

Improve visibility

  • Internal linking helps Google discover these pages and index them in the search results. This practice helps search engines find new pages on your website and index them.
  • Domains which end with .org (for organization), .edu (for education), .info (for information), .gov (for the government) have higher domain authority than commercial websites and are much better trusted by search engines.
  • Links from quality and trusted websites that attract a high amount of traffic can have a good impact on your website’s rankings.
  • Crafting an SEO strategy for your business, that should plan which link building strategies you will invest in.

 Use Tags

  • A title tag describes what your domain is all about. It is one short sentence in which you describe your online space.
  • You should use an ALT attribute to help engine crawlers better understand the meaning of an image because search engines do not recognize images.
  • A meta description is a short paragraph, and allows you to introduce your brand before a searcher pays a visit to your site and sees the products that you offer. It should be short, catchy, and original enough to attract the attention of those people who are your targeted audience.
  • Header tags are the headings that designate the start of a section. The title of this section is a header.

Use responsive design

  • For better responses, create a better-optimized site, integrate responsive design into your website’s design, and keep traffic on your page longer.
  • Users should be able to access the website on a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop, they must get the version of your website that is best for their device.
  • Responsive design allows your website to adapt to whatever device a user is using.

Content is the key

  • Content should not repeat in the website. You can use a canonical tag that points out which page should be considered as original with duplicate content.
  • You should provide a clear structure of each piece of content. Use headlines, subheadings, bullets, and bolds in the most relevant sections of your copy.

Optimizing your site and content with these factors in mind can help your pages rank higher in the search results. You can use SEO tools to achieve the above. Following these tips, you can optimize your website and help in increasing traffic load and rankings.

Steps to make your website Search Engine friendly

A web search engine is a software system through which a user can search the content on the world wide web in a systematic way. They index millions of websites that help to give results in the shortest time with ease. Whenever we hear someone is designing a new website, we are quick to recommend that they build a robust website, search-engine-friendly website right from the start, even if they do not immediately hire an SEO. Failure to do so can cause problems that will hamper SEO efforts, ultimately leading to higher development costs to fix the problem. It should be a concern for developers also.

Most peoples are confused about the search engine optimized and what features are required to make website search engine friendly.

  • Making a website Search Engine Friendly(SEF) is a one-time process, but SEO is an ongoing process. It requires continuous updates.
  • SEF focuses on on-site construction, but SEO cares about the content they must engage the visitors

There should be a concern to develop a Search Engine Friendly website that focuses on some major, practical, and technical areas. These steps help in achieving your objective.

Content should be Unique:

One of the best essential things for a business is exclusive content on the website. Quality content and unique web design may be the only thing that pushes you over or takes you below your competitors. A website designed by experts can inspire the number of site visitors to stay on your site.

Readable URL:

A user should be able to make an accurate guess about the content of a web page reading the URL. To accomplish this, a URL should include a specified phrase or term that pertains to the page content.URLs are the building blocks of your website and can make or break your traffic. While it is vital to create these URLs, these tips are not critical to every single page created.

Use Canonical Tags:

canonical URL is the best solution for duplicate URLs in your website. It helps you deal with unwanted URLs or query strings by adding the meta tag of the head URL. Then google will keep only the URL you want in its index, and will not be considered as a spam content anymore. Usage: login to the backend and then go to Components -> Canonical -> Components page and import canonical XML file for your favourite component.

Use title tags and meta tags:

Title tags and meta descriptions are bits of HTML code in the header of a web page. They help search engines understand the content on a page. The page of the title tag and meta description should include whenever that page appears in search engine results. Page titles and meta descriptions are two separate pieces of HTML code that should be present on every page of the internet. Like a book, they tell you the title of the page you are on and a summary of that page. These are then used by search engines, like Google, to create an easy-to-read link to a website from their index.

Add Breadcrumbs:

Breadcrumbs are an essential element of an SEO friendly website because: They make navigation simple, and it is the vital role of breadcrumbs, and this is why users love them. They encourage people to visit more pages of a website before they exit, and they reduce the bounce rate. They are acceptable for SEO.There are two main reasons why breadcrumbs are good for SEO.

First, they help search engine bots during the crawling and indexing phase. Crawlers can identify breadcrumbs and may use the breadcrumb structure to gather more information about a web page and site.

Optimized Images:

Image optimization is a process to compress website images (is size) without losing its quality. It means delivering the best quality images in the right dimension, format while keeping the lower image size. Website page speed depends on many factors like website layout, design, images, etc. Around 65% of website weight is images, so if you can optimize all website images well, then you will see an enormous change in your website loading speed.

Page Code:

While the search engines do not care whether your HTML code is error-free, they rely on the correctness of the code to find out which portions of your web page to index. Your HTML code contains errors and the part of your web page included in the search engine’s database. The errors, while undetectable in a web browser, may lead the search engine software to think that some of the text on your page is part of the HTML formatting information rather than your site’s content. As a result, the search engine may ignore that text, and your web pages are not on its results page.

Include proper links:

Inbound links, also known as back links or external links, are HTML hyperlinks that point from one website to another. They’re the currency of the internet as they act a lot like real-life reputation. Internal links, or links that connect internal pages of the same domain, work very similarly for your website. The engines themselves have refined the way they view links, now using algorithms to evaluate sites and pages based on the links they find.

ways to create traffic on your website

Ways to increase traffic on your wordpress website

While discussing the ways through which one can increase the stakes from on a wordpress website one must know what wordpress actually is, how it functions, how can one make maximum use of its functions and offerings?, etc. When you deal with wordpress you should actually know every small detail about it only then can your wordpress website be carved in beautifully and can attract more traffic and views. So in other to do that, one must dive into these few basic questions along with their simple answers.


Create a target audience : When someone starts with a wordpress website he or she selects a type of audience. This could also be explained by saying that one should know what section of interest is being or is going to be targeted by him or her. Once a target audience is set, the writer must keep in mind that the content he or she produces is consumed by the user in a healthy way so that it helps in building a connectivity between the writer and the reader.

SERP’s (Search Engine Research Pages):

SERP’s are basically the pages that are visible to the user when they search for a query. The main component of SERP is the listing of results that are returned by the search engine in response to a keyword query, the pages may also contain other results such as advertisements as well. The results we see can further be differentiated in 2 types. One can be said to be the organic search (i.e. the search result of the query will be retrieved by the search engine’s algorithm) and sponsored search (i.e. the advertisements shown). The results are normally ranked by relevance to the query. Each result displayed on the SERP normally includes a title, a link that points to the actual page on the Web, and a short description showing where the keywords have matched content within the page for organic results. In case of sponsored results the advertiser chooses what to display.


Breadcrumbs are an important part of any good or well developed wordpress website. They help in navigating the users to the main webpage, thus the addition of such links help in attracting traffic. A breadcrumbs is a small text path, often located at the top of a page indicating where the user is on the site.

Headlines :

If we talk about headlines it is the most crucial part of the wordpress. Headlines should be crisp so that the user gets the gist of the explanation helping him in understanding the relevance of the text provided underneath. The headlines could be categorized into sub headings and sub – sub headings helping the reader in categorizing the content. These headings are a systematical approach towards a topic, thus helps in making the user read point to point information according his or her interest and skip the unwanted segments.

 Interlinking :

Interlinking is the process where your article has links to other articles on your site which is related to the current article, so the reader can click and be redirected to another article on your wordpress website.

Addition of Relatable posts:

Such posts could be added in order to make the blog more appealing and also posts like these attract attention of the users in a wordpress website. Addition of content that is desired by a major audience could be taken in consideration so as to keep user engagements in a wordpress website high. Posts that are retable to people on a daily basis could be approached by the writer in order to post quality content on wordpress such posts also be shared a lot by readers.

Optimizing the website speed: In this era of instant gratification, no one wants to wait for a website to load. If your website is slow, then users will simply leave your website before it even loads. The website speed could be optimized so that the reader doesn’t loose its interest on your wordpress blog because of buffering.


Be consistent with the updates so that reader gets the updated version of topic. One must curate content in a stipulated time period in order maintain regularity. When the consistency is maintained the user stays connected to the wordpress in order to see more work of the content created by the curator which is presented on other topics of his/her interest.

Exploring media platforms:

Explore as many social networks possible in order to promote your wordpress website. Exploring such platforms help in understanding the reach of each platform on topics of interest. With this practice one can  post content accordingly and gain traffic on several sites in total will help in attracting traffic towards a particular wordpress blog.

Engagement on other platforms:

One must keep participating on other platforms so that he or she could grab the attention of other users towards a wordpress website. When one tries expressing thoughts and opinions on other blogs and webpages it in return helps in building a small community where people respect each others views and perceptions.

Building new online groups:

Build your own online groups so as to create a link between the readers and you. Such groups help in building connectivity between you and your readers and also is quite helpfull in getting feedbacks for your wordpress The readers get a space where they can help you in knowing your positives and negatives, thus helping you to further polish your skills. Such connectivity also helps in engaging the audience to a wordpress website.

Try gaining the attention of influencers:

Try to gain the attention of influencers so that they promote your wordpress on their personal networks which will in turn help in promoting your work. With this an organic reach is generated. Negotiations can also be done with some influencers in order to promote a wordpress website as it helps in attaining quality visitors.

Social proofs:

One can add feedback forms which could further be shared on his or her wordpress website as a review of the reader. Testimonials could be collected by the users through approaching them directly. Ratings could be added to your wordpress, several such tactics could be used in order to gain traffic on a wordpress and in making it more interactive.

Tracking website traffic and user enagement:

Keep tracking the website traffic and user engagement in order to understand what interests the maximum number of audience on your wordpress.


SEO is a set of best practices that help you make your website more search engine friendly. Once your wordpress starts getting some traffic one must try to know how and from where these users are coming from, what are the reasons they are on your wordpress or what they do on your worpress website. This is where Google Analytics is used. It helps in tracking your website visitors and helps you to see traffic reports, engagement, and other user activity on your website. For instructions, see several step by step tutorial on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress via youtube with ease. When an individual uses Google Analytics he/she can have an access to what the users are doing when they visit his or her wordpress website.



freelance web developer

Taking Your Online Business to the Next Level with WordPress

Do you run an online business with a WordPress website? Well, there are more than 70 Million WordPress business websites out there. So, it has become really tough to maintain an online business’s profitability. It is already a crowded and competitive marketplace. So, whether you manage your own blogging website or you run an e-commerce website, you have to focus on growing your online business! You can take your online business to the next level by choosing great WordPress development services in India. That will help you massively. Now, here are a few ways to grow your online business!

Updating the website to make it more engaging:

Updating an engaging and eye-pleasing website is the first step of taking your online business to a top level. You can hire an experienced WordPress development India Agency for editing your business website. The agency will redesign the whole website by following the latest web design trends. The ultimate outcome will not just impress your visitors, but will also improve your website’s overall performance. Don’t forget to create engaging and easy-to-follow web content as well. Otherwise, poor website content will affect your business sales. Also, keep changing your website design from time to time. That will add up an extra element to impress your consumers.

Keep up with your consumer demands:

The hired WordPress developer India will put considerable effort into building a great website for you. So, it’s crucial that you build a website that targets your true consumers. Also, develop the website by keeping consumer demands in mind. It’s best advised that you keep a track of your consumers’ behavior. That will help you fulfill your consumer demands on time. As your consumers will be happy and satisfied with your services, your business with automatically grow to the next level.

Use analytics tools:

Who says that you have to be a coder or developer to use Google Analytics tools? Using effective analytics tools is an essential part of making your website successful. It will help you analyze how your website is actually doing. You can explore the week parts of your website that needs improvement. Then you can bring a unique insight into the sight that will attract more visitors towards it. Otherwise, you can ask the web design India agency to provide your Google Analytics report of your website’s performance. Indeed, it is an effective way to understand what your audience needs and how to grow your business.

Drive more potential traffic to drive sales:

Hire WordPress developer India who will help you to grow your website traffic. You can use digital marketing methods like SEO, SMM, email marketing, etc. to reach out to the right consumers. You can bring promotion offers with value-added deals on your website. That can also drive more traffic. The web development company in India can help you in generating more leads for your WordPress business website. But, make sure that your website visitors turn into your actual customers.

If you can follow these steps, then you can surely increase your online business sales and ROI. Automatically, that will drive your online business to the next level!