What Is Google MUM Algorithm?

What is Google MUM? 

Google’s Multitask Unified Model (MUM) is a new technology used to answer complex questions that do not have a direct answer. Google MUM is an artificial intelligence tool designed to simplify the way people search online. This new Google algorithm update is designed to understand the comparisons implicit in search queries (the example Google gave in the keynote is how to prepare for a hike in two different mountains) and provide the most appropriate answers. 

Google MUM Features 

The Multitask Unified Model is both multitasking and multimodal: this means that it can connect information to users in a new way, and it can also understand information of different formats, like web pages, images, etc. 

This Google algorithm update represents the extraordinary evolution of BERT—less than two years ago, which was described as “the greatest advance of the last five years and one of the greatest advances in the history of research”, because it contains “a thousand times the number of nodes or Decision points in the neural network, the project relies on nerve junctions in the human brain “and” training using scanned data from the open network to remove low-quality content. ” 

Language can be a significant barrier to information. MUM can transfer knowledge through language to break these limits, because it can learn and help obtain this information from resources written in languages ​​other than the language in which we write the research. 

What is Google MUM for? 

Google MUM helps solve a common challenge that search engine users face: “having to type a lot of queries and do a lot of searches to get the answers you need.” 

As Senior Vice – President Prabhakar Raghavan noted, Google’s mission is to “make information more accessible and useful to everyone,” and advances in artificial intelligence “push the boundaries of what Google products can do.” In the past two decades, our goal has been “not only to better understand information on the Internet but also to better understand the world, because when we understand information, we can make it more useful. 

By learning a new and complex subject, caregivers seek reliable information about the COVID vaccine or parents are looking for the best way to go home. ” 

MUM can make SEO obsolete 

BERT was the first milestone on the road to change search engines from matching keywords to explaining the context of words in sentences. Before Google MUM, BERT changed the rules of the SEO game. Google recognizes that there is no other way to optimize for BERT other than optimization for users. BERT reduces the impact of keywords on page ranking. The system now mainly focuses on whether the web page responds to the user’s query, even if the exact keyword is missing. 

Google MUM can completely change the search engine, making the concept of SEO obsolete. People don’t search the page directly, they just ask MUM a question, and MUM will do the job like a human personal assistant. Keywords are irrelevant. When Google MUM can understand natural language, why do we force ourselves to write queries in “keyword” language? 

Of course, keywords are still important in the sense that the query still contains keywords, but they no longer help rank the web page better. There is no idea how to optimize the content for Google MUM. There will be no direct way to play with the search engines. People will always stop writing articles for algorithms and instead write articles for people. 

Final Thoughts 

The power of this Google algorithm update—Google MUM, lies in its multilingual, multitasking, and most importantly, multimodal capabilities. It will completely change the search engine and may increase the impact of BERT in future. Every time there is a Google algorithm update, SEO experts must make adjustments. 

If you’re new to this field or are willing to modify your website according to this new update, but don’t know what to do and how to do it, then let us help you. We at Whitehat Codes are a team of specialists and have years of experience in providing SEO services. We try to keep our pace with changing algorithms and give our best to our clients. You can visit our website to know more about us and our services.

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