Entries by Whitehat Codes

Top 5 Best Themes of 2018 for WordPress

We all know there are thousands of themes available in wordpress for building a new website or renovating the old ones. For beginners, it becomes difficult to select the best theme for their website. Getting the right theme for your website is an important task for getting traffic and capture the audience. This helps in […]

Why should you hire a WordPress agency?

  One of the most critical conclusions you’ll make is to decide which platform or CMS will be ideally suited to satisfy all your basic to advanced business needs. There are a lot of choices available like Asp.Net, PHP, JAVA, Open Source CMS, etc. for creating a business website. WordPress is among the most used […]

Why should you choose WordPress for your Website

People often think, why should I go for WordPress, I should rather go for a Website builder or a static website?WordPress Development Services Well, we have compiled many reasons to choose WordPress over different platforms. WordPress used to be a blogging platform, but with the item it has become a CMS i.e. Content Management System, […]

5 steps to making your WordPress web site cell gracious

  With the aid of Amy Simone on 5 February, 2016 Share Mobilegeddon or Google’s 2015 mobile-hospitable replace cemented the proven fact that we are living in a cellular-first world. The algorithm replace by using the hunt-engine significant favored web sites, which were optimized for smaller monitors, including WordPress website. No longer a running a […]